In recent months I have begun to notice and appreciate details of God's creation around me that I have somehow missed the fullness of in the past. There are two ways to drive in to our house that is located near the Kara river. The "back way" usually takes a little longer but when I'm out and about I've found myself driving out of my way on most days just to take in the beauty of this lovely tree. After 5 months of harmatton dust blown down from the Sahara desert, no rain, no crops and scorching temperatures, the bright red flowers on this flambouyant tree, which bloom every year by May 1st have filled my soul with delight over the past two weeks. I feel intrigued by the effect this tree has had on my soul. In years past, I've felt most delighted in interactions with other people or emotion-filled seeking and finding experiences in God's word. And here, I find myself in this point in time blown away by this tree on the road to our house. One glimpse of it fills me with awe for my creator and creates in me such child-like delight. Oh, Lord, if this is beautiful to me, one tree that you've created out of the thousands upon thousands, how much more beautiful are you! You amaze me! "One thing I have asked of the Lord, that I shall seek...To behold the beauty of the Lord..." Psalm 27:4
1 comment:
Your statement, "In recent months I have begun to notice and appreciate details of God's creation around me that I have somehow missed the fullness of in the past" is very positive and uplifting. I have been looking at pictures of my previous home and longing for a return there. If not to live, at least to take in the beauty of the mountains. But, I can long so much for the mountains that I can fail to appreciate the beauty of the plains where we live now (in Kansas). Everything God created has the stamp of his approval and is thus blessed. Thanks for your perspective on that.
I recently posted a picture of our former home on my site under the caption "The Jenny Tree" if you care to look. If you click on the picture it will enlarge and you can really get a sense of the country.
Good post.
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