First, just a note about the media player on my blog. It will hang out from now on at the bottom of the page. As I post new video, I will make note of it on the most recent post and you can check it out. Caleb's video is still available for viewing.
Ok, I know it's technically not opposable, but I don't know what else I could name it. This is a photo of Caleb's sweet little foot and I spend more and more time lately staring at his interesting big toe. Those of you who know me well, know that I have a thing about toes. This probably comes from my feeling of dissatisfaction with my own toes that has never completely gone away. My husband David's toes, however, are some of the nicest, well-proportioned and un-knuckly toes I've ever seen. (He modestly agrees with me on my assessment!)
Ok, I know it's technically not opposable, but I don't know what else I could name it. This is a photo of Caleb's sweet little foot and I spend more and more time lately staring at his interesting big toe. Those of you who know me well, know that I have a thing about toes. This probably comes from my feeling of dissatisfaction with my own toes that has never completely gone away. My husband David's toes, however, are some of the nicest, well-proportioned and un-knuckly toes I've ever seen. (He modestly agrees with me on my assessment!)
I have no estimate on how many hours I've spent staring at toes here in West Africa as everyone is barefoot inside and usually wearing flip flops when outdoors. I love the variety and different sizes of all ten digits. Of course sometimes people only have 9 toes (like my father, who just had one removed last year) or one of the Christians here in the remote village of Poo Wayi who has an extra baby toe on her left foot which leaves her with 11! Anyhow, I've spent most of my toe watching time with my children from the time they are babies until the present day. With Hannah, Elijah, and Gabriel I can find a genetic similarity for each of their toes with either Dave or me or one of our parents, but this very different big toe of Caleb's has me stumped! I'm wondering as I stare at it throughout the day if he will have to have special shoes. Will his toe push against the top and give him blisters? I've noticed, however, that when he is deeply asleep that his big toes do relax coming almost in even line with his other 8 digits. So, perhaps the wearing of shoes will be therapeutic for him someday, forcing him to walk in a relaxed manner.
All of this is my seemingly useless speculations that I spend more of my days engaging in than I ever would have imagined before having 4 small children. I go through moments, hours, even days of feeling down that I haven't received more deep and profound spiritual insights because of my lack of time to spend searching the scriptures and engaging in intellectual spiritual discussions. And then the Lord gently whispers that He is revealing the deep and profound of Himself to me in the simplest manner as I engage with my children and notice the simple beauties of His creation around me. As for Caleb's toes, the scripture that has continued to come to my mind as I stare at all parts of him and has taken deep root in my heart is Psalm 139:13-14 "For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Thy works, and my soul knows it very well."
go ahead, start laughing now...i'm sitting here trying to make my big to do that...i can't. ;)
Becky, I can totally relate to the feelings of guilt but find encouragement in the reminder that God can be seen in all. Thank!
Hey Becky, if you need some time by yourself for Spiritual Refreshement, just remember that you still have a 3 hour free babysitting time with me! :D And you can even send the kids over to the centre if you want, whatever makes it easier for you! Your an amazing woman and I admire for your incredible work with your kids! They will always have an incredible mother to look up to! Beth
:) I absolutely Love the toe. His little chubby foot is just too adorable. Isn't it amazing how unique God makes each one of us? I wonder if our little girl will have the ultra long second toe like I do, which likes to cover part of my big toe sometimes. We do have funny feet in our family, don't we??
May God bless you with an extra measure of peace as you care for and love on your beautiful children this week. Love you!!
Believe it or not, just last Sunday I noticed that Dave has really perfect feet! Now I feel caught admiring your husband's feet. I understand your frustration, Becky, just keep listening to Him while you are changing those diapers and chasing those other precious little feet.
i guess i won't be wearing my chaco's around you...
brett :)
Beth, don't worry! I'll take you up on it soon!
Sarah, I like your long second toe! That means you're bossy, right? Hee hee Yes, I love the uniqueness of God's creation!
Louise, you can admire my husband's feet all you want! Nice to know my assessment has some objective merit! (He's not going to like that his feet have become a subject of conversation on my blog! :))
Brett and April, I"ll try not to stare at your toes too much when you get here. It'll be hard... (That's part of the reason I close my eyes a lot when we're singing. the toes can be so distracting.... j/k! Kind of)
Sandi, thanks for your comraderie!
Wow! That's so neat. My little toe actually is opposable. But it's too little to do anything with.
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