We've had a fun New Year's trip with the Ries family up to the country of Burkina Faso which borders Togo on the north. We spent two nights in the nation's capitol, Ougadougou, with our missionary colleagues to the Dagara, Andy and Melissa and Elijah Johnson. Then, we ventured over to the city of Dano in south-western Burkina where they, along with their teammates the Chankins, Carters, and Burks, live and work among the Dagara people. We had a wonderful, yet too short, visit with all of them and hope to return again soon.
Our son, Elijah, announced yesterday that he thought Ougadougou was the best city in the world because of the Faso Park we visited while there. It seems to be Ougadougou's equivalent of Disneyland. At the persuasive suggestions of Andy Johnson, the manager let our families in before business hours so that our children could play on the playground area for around 75 cents per child. We were initially impressed by the huge statues of an elephant and dinosaur and all of the other equipment. We saw the stairs that led up into the elephant's mouth and as the children began to climb them we walked around behind the elephant to see what this play equipment was and found ourselves laughing incredulously at the design of this slide!!! Out slid our children from the elephant's rear-end, one by one. Oddly enough, upon closer examination, a small metal plaque on the elephant's foot read "Made in Spain. 240 volts" We have been mulling over theories for what the voltage was/could be used for... What do you think?
That slide is HILARIOUS! Looks like you guys had fun. :D
I already thought Ouaga was a great town, and I've never been to Faso land -- now I have a great reason to go back. I laughed out loud and woke Maureen up when I saw the picture -- it's great.
Does the thing light up at night?
I bet the elephant, when plugged in, makes sounds when kids slide down it. I wont describe what kind of sounds, but just imagine! Thanks for the fun post!
Hah! I love the slide. I tried to come up with an appropriately worded comment for the voltage sign, but just couldn't. :) Glad you guys had fun. Tim and Andrew both got a kick out of the photos as well.
You should send that pic to Jay Leno on The Tonight Show at NBC. He always has funny headlines & pictures that he shows. What a hoot! Glad to hear you all are doing well. That precious new baby is so sweet; just want to squeeze his fat little cheeks. May God continue to bless you & your family!
We Miss You!
Rhonda & Ed Peek
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