I’ve been thinking lately that this blog is a good avenue for me to communicate "what my life is like in Africa”. I’ve been asked many times by many different people to address this subject and I always find it difficult. Yes, our week has a schedule and routine to it but as a missionary, and especially in Togo, things change sometimes from week to week or day to day. Almost every week of the year if someone asks me, “How has your week been?” I can usually answer, “Fine” with honesty. But if someone asks “Have you enjoyed your week?” I have to give longer pause. For me, an enjoyable (because of happenings and outward events) week consists of the big V word….VARIETY!!
This past week I was motivated to create this post by the fact that it is our last week of 24 hour internet access for one monthly fee. Beginning on the 21st we have to pay 2 dollars an hour to be online at really a not-so-fast speed. But, I didn’t want to put all of the time into getting on my blog and creating a post each night, since that would take up every evening time. So, I decided to write this log of my week in one document and then upload it to my blog on Sunday the 22nd. FYI: On a scale of 1 – 10 (10 being the most typical week and 1 being the least) this week would rank at about an 8 overall. Feel free to read in detail or just skim the Event by Event log (to the best of my memory) of my life this past week.
This past week I was motivated to create this post by the fact that it is our last week of 24 hour internet access for one monthly fee. Beginning on the 21st we have to pay 2 dollars an hour to be online at really a not-so-fast speed. But, I didn’t want to put all of the time into getting on my blog and creating a post each night, since that would take up every evening time. So, I decided to write this log of my week in one document and then upload it to my blog on Sunday the 22nd. FYI: On a scale of 1 – 10 (10 being the most typical week and 1 being the least) this week would rank at about an 8 overall. Feel free to read in detail or just skim the Event by Event log (to the best of my memory) of my life this past week.
*Please Note: The first 2 pictures above were taken Saturday the 14th. The last 3 were taken during the week of the 15-21.
April 15-21, 2007
Sunday April 15 (Day of Worship)
6:30 out of bed/nurse Caleb
7:00 pre-made banana bread for breakfast
7:30 children get dressed, David helps me print off the new job charts I’ve made up for the children, I peel potatoes and get mashed potatoes in the crock pot for lunch
7:45 I explain how the job charts will work and encourage the children to make their beds, brush their teeth etc. to be able to check those things off
8:00 I hurriedly gather water, coloring books, toilet paper, extra diapers, wet wipes etc. for our trip out to the village which I had meant to do the night before
8:20 We finally make it out of our front gate
8:30 We pick up our school teacher Rachel at the schoolhouse and head out to the Hade Te cluster for worship
8:50 We drive through the meeting area of Hade Te and no Christians are around, so we hope that they might have walked to the neighboring church plant of Kacade for worship.
9:00 We arrive in Kacade to find only 3 workers resting in the church building made of mud bricks that the Christians have begun building. They tell us that they are waiting for the church leader and will continue to make more bricks this morning, so they won’t be meeting.
9:15 We arrive back in Hade Te and find one of the leaders waiting near the area where the church meets. He saw us drive through and says that he and his wife want to meet but that noone else is coming. We debate on whether or not to stay. We decide to and as I nurse Caleb and he sleeps off and on in my arms, David reads to them from the Bible and we all talk back and forth together in Kabiye about remaining strong in the Lord and trusting God for everything we need. We also pray with this couple for God to give them another child. Their only son died two years ago from cancer. Rachel helps watch Hannah, Elijah, and Gabe as they play off to the side drawing in the dirt.
10:30 We leave to come back home
10:50 We arrive home and I start making lunch (Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and no-bake cookies for dessert)
12 noon We eat lunch
12:30 Nurse Caleb, Caleb and Gabriel down for naps
1 pm I take Rachel back to schoolhouse and get supplies for Bible class later in the afternoon
1:30pm I lay down and take a rest
2pm Get lesson ready for Gabe and Owen for Bible class
2:30pm Nurse Caleb/Do dishes
3:30pm Get children ready to leave
3:45pm Leave and pick up Rachel
4pm Arrive at Rieses house for team worship/Sing/Lord’s Supper/Rachel teaches 3rd grade and 1st grade, I teach 3 and 4 year olds (Gabe and Owen)
5:30pm take Rachel home/arrive at our house/nurse Caleb
5:45pm make supper (breakfast for dinner)
6:30pm big kids take showers/give Caleb a bath
7:00 nurse Caleb/ Caleb to bed
7:20 Devotional with big kids
7:30 Big kids to bed
7:30 shower/watch episodes of season 3 of The Office (we watched a lot I lost count) with Dave in our air conditioned bedroom
11pm Asleep
12:30am Caleb wakes up and I nurse him
3am Caleb wakes up and I nurse him
4:30am Caleb wakes up and I nurse him ( I decide this can not keep happening! HE’s been sleeping through the night since he was 2 months old but Temps are in the 90s and I know he’s thirsty and don’t want him to keep waking up Hannah since they share a room, but I’m being worn down from waking up 2 or 3 times a night to nurse him)
Monday, April 16 (Day Off)
6:15am nurse Caleb
6:30 out the door to meet Rachel for morning walk
7:30 arrive back home/Dave has defrosted cinnamon roles for breakfast that our house worker has made the week before/our day guardian arrives
7:30 Shower/get dressed
8am eat breakfast/our house worker arrives
8:15am Sit on the swing on the front porch with Caleb and spend some time singing some prayers to the Lord
8:30am Nurse Caleb/Put him down for a nap
8:45 am Read and answer emails
9:30 Power goes out (Stays off until 11:30 am)/Call Rachel and ask if she wants to go to the Hotel Kara pool
10:30am Leave to go to the Kara Pool
11am try to call Centre Grill (restaurant) to order food ahead of time that we can pick up at noon on our way home only to find all of the phone lines are down.
11:15am David leaves the pool to go to Centre Grill and order, go by the ATM at the bank and then come back/I nurse Caleb
11:40am David arrives back and accidentally locks the keys in the car/he calls our houseworker (our phone by some Godsend was working that day!) explains where the spare key is and she rides a taxi moto up to Hotel Kara and brings the key on her way home for the sieste.
11:50am We leave the pool and pick up our food at Marox wrapped in aluminum foil - David got a spicy pizza, Rachel got ham and mushroom pizza, we got the children spaghetti and French fries and I got a fillet of sole with herbed potatoes (they got the entire order right!) David also borrows the oil filter wrench from the mechanic there so he can change the oil in our vehicle and get the wrench back to him by 3:30pm when he opens the garage again after the sieste (nap break/everything in town is closed)
12:10pm We arrive at the Shell gas station to buy motor oil. They are completely out and Caleb has fallen asleep in his car seat. David explains that he can’t take us home and then get the oil because the engine would heat up again. We drive to the Total station on the edge of town. They don’t have the normal grade of oil that David usually gets, but one that will work. He has to buy 3 bottles and it costs him approximately $60 US (Gabriel has now fallen asleep in his car seat. I know that this means no regular naptime at our house today)
12:30pm We arrive at the schoolhouse and drop Rachel off
12:40pm We arrive home and try to eat lunch. Gabriel and Caleb have woken up and are hungry but fussy and don’t each much or go down for naps easily
1:00pm David begins to work on the car
1:30pm David offers to watch Caleb (who refused to fall asleep after trying to let him cry for 20 minutes) while the oil drains so I can have a 30 minute nap
1:30pm I lay down and try but can’t fall asleep because I am hearing my children and I have a lousy attitude about how the morning went.
2pm I take Caleb back and Dave works on the car. I try to play with Caleb and the big kids but there is a lot of whining from Gabe and Caleb especially
2:30pm I nurse Caleb and get him down for a nap/I put clothes in drawers, clean up around the house, get Gabe down for a nap and play one round of a card game with Hannah and Elijah. They continue to play while I try to nap on the couch for 15 min. It somewhat works
3:15 Dave leaves to take the oil wrench back after changing the oil/Caleb and Gabriel wake up
3:25 Tracey shows up so we can work on planning the schedule for our summer internship with the Harding interns
3:35 David returns and we got out to the guestroom, turn on the air conditioners and the breaker blows. We realize we do need to get more amps put in our house before the interns arrive so they can run the air conditioners
4:30pm Tracey leaves to get home to make dinner/I nurse Caleb and then make Hamburger Patties for dinner and defrost hamburger buns our house worker made previously/Dave gets the grill started
5:30pm We sit down to eat yummy hamburgers Dave has grilled and have a nice dinner. The children are all happy
6:15pm Children take showers/I give Caleb a bath
6:40pm I nurse Caleb and get him in bed
6:55pm I do “girls devo” with Hannah (we’re reading through a book together called Beautiful Girlhood and looking through a book also on babies)/Dave does devo with the boys
7:20pm Kids in bed/Shower
7:30pm Watch more episodes of the Office in our air conditioned bedroom
11:30pm Asleep
1:30am Caleb wakes up to nurse
3:30am Caleb wakes up to nurse (Dave and I have decided he will try and put our old air conditioner in their room tomorrow and then since I know he’s not too hot, Dave will give him some water and we’ll have to let him cry it out.)
Tuesday, April 17
6:30am out of bed/nurse Caleb/Dave goes out to office to work on getting his bike in working order to start riding again
7am Set out breakfast (cornflakes with milk)/ pack Hannah, Elijah, and Gabe’s lunches
7:30am Help everyone get dressed, do jobs etc.
8:00am Dave takes H, E, and G to school (Gabriel has preschool on Tuesday and Saturday mornings)
8:05-8:30 I sit on the porch swing with Caleb and spend time in prayer through song as I admire God’s creation/greet our day guardian and the workers coming to put the roof on our dependence (side building near our house)
8:30 Dave returns and we decide I’ll do literacy work tomorrow and Dave will have office time/put in air conditioner in Caleb’s room as I need to do more house stuff this morning
8:45 Nurse Caleb and put him down for a nap
8:45-I plan the week’s menu, make out shopping lists for myself and house worker, put clean clothes away, straighten up rooms
10:15 Caleb wakes up, nurses, our house worker arrives/play with Caleb
11:15 I leave with Caleb and go to the Millers’ house to talk to their house worker about getting things ready for their return and return some things I’ve borrowed
11:45 I arrive at school house early to pick up Gabe and Owen from preschool
12noon take Owen and Bryan back to the Rieses and Caleb and Gabe back to our house
12:30pm feed Caleb lunch/read Gabe a book, put both of the down for a nap
1pm Dave is feeling very tired and sick and decides to wait to go to Legue this next Sunday for church instead of today (An hour and a half drive both ways) We both take a rest
2:20pm Tracey drops Hannah and Elijah off from school/Caleb and Gabe wake up/electricity goes off
2:30pm Dave starts up generator and we decide to clean out and rearrange Gabe and Elijah’s room
5:30pm I get leftovers together for dinner and make smoothies to go with them/big kids get in the showers
6pm Dinner
6:30pm Power comes back on, we turn generator off. Dave offers to give Caleb a bath and I clean up after dinner tonight
7pm Devotional with kids/I nurse Caleb and put him down
7:30pm Children in bed
8pm Dave and I watch more of season 3 of The Office/ I make lunches for tomorrow and breakfast casserole for the morning
11pm Asleep
1:30am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
3am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
4:30 am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
Wednesday April 18 (Work Day/School Day for Hannah, Elijah, and Gabriel)
6:15 Nurse Caleb (Wow! I feel much more rested this morning! I still woke up when Caleb cried, but not getting out of bed each time made a difference!)
6:30 Leave and meet Rachel for walk
7:30 Arrive back home, shower, get dressed, help H and E get out of the house for school
8am Dave takes Hannah and Elijah to school, I help Gabe get dressed and we read a book with Caleb/our house worker arrives along with our guardian and the workers for the roof
8:30am Dave gets back, I nurse Caleb and put him down for a nap/put clean clothes away and straighten up rooms
9:00am I go out to the office to work on the Kabiye literacy book
10:30am I come back inside because I’m feeling dizzy and exhausted. I nurse Caleb again and Dave watches the boys while I rest
11:15am I wake up and take my vitamins, which I realize I haven’t taken for 4 days. I figure my iron might be low
11:30 I check email
11:50 I make PB&J sandwiches for lunch
12:30 Dave reads to and puts Gabe down for a nap/ I nurse Caleb and put him down
12:45 I take another rest
2pm Dave wakes me up and goes to pick up Hannah and Elijah and the Rieses. After dropping the Rieses off, they arrive back home at 2:30pm/I read chapter 3 of Mere Discipleship by Lee Camp
2:45pm Dave leaves to go to the village of Hade Te/Kacade for lesson/Hannah decides to go with him
3pm I get out the calligraphy set that Elijah’s been wanting to do and teach him how to write a basic alphabet/our house worker arrives
3:45pm the Power goes out/Gabe and Caleb wake up. Temps are at least 110. I fill up the blow up pool in the yard and get in with the boys. My mood improves within minutes! Thank you Lord for this blessing!
4:30 power comes back on and I come in to get dinner started. Our house worker puts Caleb on her back so I can get dinner going.
5:30pm Dave arrives home and has picked up Rachel on his way back/big kids take showers
6pm We eat dinner (bean and cheese quesadillas, Spanish rice, salad, and ice cream with chocolate syrup for dessert)
6:30pm I give Caleb a bath
7pm nurse Caleb and put him in bed/Dave does devo with bigger kids
7:30pm kids in bed
7:45pm My mom and Dad call to say hi
8:15pm The Rieses arrive for team devotional (at our house this week)
8:25pm My mom and I get cut off by the phone lines
8:30pm- Worship and discussion of chapter 3 of Mere Discipleship which we are reading together as a team
10:30pm Everyone leaves/ I do my Bible reading (which I’m not keeping up with very well)
11pm Asleep
1:30am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
4am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
)Thursday, April 19 (Team Prayer Day/School Day for Hannah and Elijah/”Semi-preschool” for Gabriel at our house
6am Dave is up and leaves to go play basketball with the guys
6:30am Nurse Caleb and get breakfast started
7am Breakfast (leftover egg and ham casserole from yesterday morning)
7:30am kids do jobs, get everyone dressed, Dave gets back, I take a quick shower
8am Electricity goes off/Dave leaves with Hannah and Elijah/I push Caleb and Gabe on the swings until Owen arrives/ our house worker arrives, guardian arrives, and the men to work on the roof
8;30am Bryan, Dave, and Owen arrive, Dave starts generator and then Bryan and Dave leave for prayer time
8:30-11:45 Do preschool stuff with Gabe and Owen (play dough, singing, dancing, dress up, painting, read books, snack, 30 minutes of Go Diego! DVD/nurse Caleb, Caleb naps) 9:45am Power comes back on
11:45am Tracey drops off Hannah and Elijah and Rachel and picks up Owen
12noon Rachel eats lunch with us (our house worker has made an African dish, peanut sauce with rice. Rachel thinks it’s yummy!)
12:30pm Dave arrives back from prayer time/ I nurse Caleb, put him down for nap, read to Gabe, put him down for nap
12:50pm I begin cutting Rachel’s hair for her
1:25pm I lay down to take a quick power nap before we leave for prayer time
2pm The power goes off/We leave to go pick up Tracey for prayer time. It is Rachel’s week to pick where we go and she’s decided to go to the waterfall in Bafilo, which she’s never seen.
3:15pm We arrive at the waterfall in Bafilo after a 30 minute drive and 30 minute hike/share prayer needs, pray together, stick our feet in the pool of water at the bottom of the waterfall, talk about spiritual matters all the way back home
4:30pm Dave says the power came back on
5:30pm arrive back home, nurse Caleb, help Dave get dinner on the table (he’s grilling pork ribs. Yummy!)/ big kids take showers
6:15pm dinner
6:40pm Give Caleb bath
7:15pm Nurse Caleb and put him to bed
7:30pm Do Girl’s Devo with Hannah/Dave does Boys’ Devo with boys/Air conditioner in Hannah and Caleb’s room breaks
8pm Kids in bed/I make lunches for tomorrow for kids/Dave and I listen to a sermon by John Piper on his I Pod and then discuss it afterwards
10:30pm Asleep
2am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water in a sippy cup
Friday April 20 (Work Day/School Day for Hannah and Elijah)
6:15am Nurse Caleb
6:30am Leave to meet Rachel for walk
7:30am Arrive back home, Dave has made pancakes for breakfast, help H and E get ready for school
8am Electricity goes off again/Dave starts generator/Dave takes Hand E to school/I sit out on porch swing with Caleb and Gabe and sing songs of praise to God (Gabe gets tired of it and goes inside to play with toys!)/our house worker arrives/guardian arrives/workers putting on roof arrive
8:30am Dave returns and I take a shower while he watches Gabe and Caleb
8:45am Nurse Caleb and put him down for a nap/Dave goes out to office
9am I leave with Gabe to run errands (Go to grocery stores and post office and to the Millers again to give their house worker a list)
10:30am We return home and Caleb has been awake since 9:30am when our generator broke and there is no electricity to the house/Dave calls the repairmen to come and fix it
10:45am Repairmen arrive
11am Temps are over 100 already and I fill up the pool and go and sit in it with Caleb and Gabe again. Whew! What a relief!
11:50am They fix the generator (thank you Lord!) and we have fans again. I go inside to fix lunch (tuna sandwiches with apple slices)
12noon Lunch
12:30pm Dave reads to Gabe and puts him down, I nurse Caleb and put him down
12:45pm I check and answer emails
1:25pm I lay down for a power nap
1:55pm I wake up with a start (I slept to long!) hurriedly get my things together and rush out the door to pick up Hannah, Elijah, Tracey, Graham and Isaac to take them home and Rachel, who is going to the village with me today (Dave usually goes to the village on Friday afternoons, but we’ve planned ahead for me to go today instead to do a women’s lesson)/ Jean Marie (a Christian leader) is here talking with Dave as well as a Mason who has been doing work at the Emersons
2:30pm I’ve dropped everyone off and Rachel and I head to the village of Tchikpe
3:30pm We finally arrive after I take a wrong turn and we get there through some back roads (I’ve never been to this village driving myself before. Jane used to do the women’s lessons here)
3:45pm There is only one woman who has come but one of the leaders and a few other men arrive. They tell me to go ahead. I read in Kabiye about the sinful woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her hair and the woman with the issue of blood that touched Jesus’ garment and how he told both of them that their faith had healed them and they were to go in peace. We talked about the importance of faith and I asked them if they would be interested in talking with others, women especially, about learning to read Kabiye beginning in September. They were very excited and said they would talk with people in their village and the other two close by. I am hoping to be able to teach 2 days a week beginning then, and will have the literacy primer completed.
4:45pm Rachel and I leave and go back the “right” way to town
5:30pm I arrive home and Dave has dinner almost done (I am so blessed to have such a servant husband!)/I nurse Caleb
6pm Electricity finally comes back on and we can turn generator off! We eat dinner (Oriental Chicken Salad)
6:45pm Caleb bath and nurse him and put him in bed
7pm We begin our devotionals with the children on Handling Money God’s Way to go along with their new job charts. They are very interested in the stories and verses (Yay!) Even Gabe is listening to some of it.
7:30 pm Children in bed
8pm Dave gives me a pedicure! (He had given me a coupon for a pedicure from him that he had agreed to redeem this evening.) We listen to another John Piper sermon on his I pod while he gives me a pedicure
10pm We watch one episode of 24
11pm Asleep
3:30am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
Saturday April 21 (Work Day/School Day for Hannah, Elijah, and Gabriel)
6:30am Nurse Caleb/ Dave goes outside to work on finishing the repairs on his bike so he can begin riding again next week
7am I make breakfast
7:30am WE eat scrambled eggs, bacon, and juice/help the children all get ready for school/ I make all their lunches
8am Hannah, Elijah, and Gabriel leave for school/I sit on porch swing and spend some time in praise with Caleb (No guardian today, our house worker doesn’t come until 10:30am and the workers for the roof don’t come today) Wow!! It’s quiet and I’m singing quite loudly today!
8:30am Dave arrives back home/He takes a shower while I nurse Caleb and put him down for a nap and then I shower and get dressed
9am I put folded clothes away and straighten up rooms/ I decide to work on internship stuff for my office time today instead of the literacy book since there are some pressing things I need to address
10:45am Caleb wakes up and Dave watches him for me while I finish up
11am I nurse Caleb, play with him a bit and make brownie cookies for our girls’ night tonight
11:50am Dave leaves to pick up Gabe and Owen
12:20 Dave arrives home with Gabe, I’ve been making more baby food for Caleb and I make smoothies for Dave and I for lunch (Gabe eats at school at 11:30am)
12:30pm Dave puts Gabe down for a nap/ I nurse Caleb and put him down
1pm I lay down to take a quick nap
1:30pm I get on internet (our 24 hour connection has lasted one day longer than we had thought!) And email UofWisconsin OshKosh about their online nursing degree that I’m interested in pursuing over the next few years if our 24 hour access every becomes available again….
2pm Dave leaves to go out to the village of Tchefengda
2:45pm Bryan arrives on his way out to the village to drop off Hannah and Elijah with Isaac, Graham, and Owen who have all come over to play for the afternoon/Caleb wakes up
2:45-5:00pm I watch the children play, help them run through the sprinklers, play in the pool, swing on the swings etc.
5:00 Electricity comes back on (it’s been off since 4pm)/ I nurse Caleb and Isaac picks out a Dora the Explorer movie to watch before they have to leave/I get dinner ready (white chili and rice) , make ice cream for tonight and then get dressed for our girls’ night, as well as call the restaurant to order our dinner so it will be ready when we arrive at 6pm
5:30pm Dave arrives home/I get the Ries boys together and we load up
5:45pm I go to pick up Rachel at the schoolhouse, get gas at the gas station, and drop off the Ries boys and pick up Tracey
6:10pm We arrive at Le Jardin (the “nice” restaurant here in Kara) and they have our entire order right and bring it out to us. We have a very nice dinner and good conversation.
6:50pm We pay and leave to come back to our house so I can nurse Caleb and we are watching the 1st disc of the A and E version of Pride and Prejudice out in our guest room in the air conditioning.
7pm I nurse Caleb and put him in bed/Dave does devo with big kids, I kiss them goodnight and we head out to the guest room
7:30pm-10:00pm We watch Pride and Prejudice and eat dessert (Fun!)
10:00pm I take Rachel and Tracey home
10:30pm I arrive home and finish watching Invincible with Dave, which he’s been watching while we were out in the guest room
11pm We go to bed
For any of the 3 of you who have actually read through this entire post, I hope this is insightful into the daily happenings in my life here in Togo. Many of my daily events are similar to what they would be in the states and some are very different. I have not made my time in God’s word a priority in the evenings after the children are in bed and this log of my week has made that painfully obvious. I’m convicted to choose time in the word in the early evenings DAILY. I also have realized how much I really do in a day and although I often feel like I’m not accomplishing much, I realize that time enjoying and ministering to my husband, children, and then others is exactly what I should be doing right now. I’m also thankful for the sweet gifts of variety and time away that the Lord gave me this last week that are out of the ordinary, such as our ladies’ prayer time at the waterfall and the ladies’ night out on Saturday. I don’t feel the same melancholies that I usually feel after an average week here in Togo since we’ve returned from the states with Caleb. I am so very blessed and so very thankful, Lord, for the full life you’ve given me in You!!!
April 15-21, 2007
Sunday April 15 (Day of Worship)
6:30 out of bed/nurse Caleb
7:00 pre-made banana bread for breakfast
7:30 children get dressed, David helps me print off the new job charts I’ve made up for the children, I peel potatoes and get mashed potatoes in the crock pot for lunch
7:45 I explain how the job charts will work and encourage the children to make their beds, brush their teeth etc. to be able to check those things off
8:00 I hurriedly gather water, coloring books, toilet paper, extra diapers, wet wipes etc. for our trip out to the village which I had meant to do the night before
8:20 We finally make it out of our front gate
8:30 We pick up our school teacher Rachel at the schoolhouse and head out to the Hade Te cluster for worship
8:50 We drive through the meeting area of Hade Te and no Christians are around, so we hope that they might have walked to the neighboring church plant of Kacade for worship.
9:00 We arrive in Kacade to find only 3 workers resting in the church building made of mud bricks that the Christians have begun building. They tell us that they are waiting for the church leader and will continue to make more bricks this morning, so they won’t be meeting.
9:15 We arrive back in Hade Te and find one of the leaders waiting near the area where the church meets. He saw us drive through and says that he and his wife want to meet but that noone else is coming. We debate on whether or not to stay. We decide to and as I nurse Caleb and he sleeps off and on in my arms, David reads to them from the Bible and we all talk back and forth together in Kabiye about remaining strong in the Lord and trusting God for everything we need. We also pray with this couple for God to give them another child. Their only son died two years ago from cancer. Rachel helps watch Hannah, Elijah, and Gabe as they play off to the side drawing in the dirt.
10:30 We leave to come back home
10:50 We arrive home and I start making lunch (Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and no-bake cookies for dessert)
12 noon We eat lunch
12:30 Nurse Caleb, Caleb and Gabriel down for naps
1 pm I take Rachel back to schoolhouse and get supplies for Bible class later in the afternoon
1:30pm I lay down and take a rest
2pm Get lesson ready for Gabe and Owen for Bible class
2:30pm Nurse Caleb/Do dishes
3:30pm Get children ready to leave
3:45pm Leave and pick up Rachel
4pm Arrive at Rieses house for team worship/Sing/Lord’s Supper/Rachel teaches 3rd grade and 1st grade, I teach 3 and 4 year olds (Gabe and Owen)
5:30pm take Rachel home/arrive at our house/nurse Caleb
5:45pm make supper (breakfast for dinner)
6:30pm big kids take showers/give Caleb a bath
7:00 nurse Caleb/ Caleb to bed
7:20 Devotional with big kids
7:30 Big kids to bed
7:30 shower/watch episodes of season 3 of The Office (we watched a lot I lost count) with Dave in our air conditioned bedroom
11pm Asleep
12:30am Caleb wakes up and I nurse him
3am Caleb wakes up and I nurse him
4:30am Caleb wakes up and I nurse him ( I decide this can not keep happening! HE’s been sleeping through the night since he was 2 months old but Temps are in the 90s and I know he’s thirsty and don’t want him to keep waking up Hannah since they share a room, but I’m being worn down from waking up 2 or 3 times a night to nurse him)
Monday, April 16 (Day Off)
6:15am nurse Caleb
6:30 out the door to meet Rachel for morning walk
7:30 arrive back home/Dave has defrosted cinnamon roles for breakfast that our house worker has made the week before/our day guardian arrives
7:30 Shower/get dressed
8am eat breakfast/our house worker arrives
8:15am Sit on the swing on the front porch with Caleb and spend some time singing some prayers to the Lord
8:30am Nurse Caleb/Put him down for a nap
8:45 am Read and answer emails
9:30 Power goes out (Stays off until 11:30 am)/Call Rachel and ask if she wants to go to the Hotel Kara pool
10:30am Leave to go to the Kara Pool
11am try to call Centre Grill (restaurant) to order food ahead of time that we can pick up at noon on our way home only to find all of the phone lines are down.
11:15am David leaves the pool to go to Centre Grill and order, go by the ATM at the bank and then come back/I nurse Caleb
11:40am David arrives back and accidentally locks the keys in the car/he calls our houseworker (our phone by some Godsend was working that day!) explains where the spare key is and she rides a taxi moto up to Hotel Kara and brings the key on her way home for the sieste.
11:50am We leave the pool and pick up our food at Marox wrapped in aluminum foil - David got a spicy pizza, Rachel got ham and mushroom pizza, we got the children spaghetti and French fries and I got a fillet of sole with herbed potatoes (they got the entire order right!) David also borrows the oil filter wrench from the mechanic there so he can change the oil in our vehicle and get the wrench back to him by 3:30pm when he opens the garage again after the sieste (nap break/everything in town is closed)
12:10pm We arrive at the Shell gas station to buy motor oil. They are completely out and Caleb has fallen asleep in his car seat. David explains that he can’t take us home and then get the oil because the engine would heat up again. We drive to the Total station on the edge of town. They don’t have the normal grade of oil that David usually gets, but one that will work. He has to buy 3 bottles and it costs him approximately $60 US (Gabriel has now fallen asleep in his car seat. I know that this means no regular naptime at our house today)
12:30pm We arrive at the schoolhouse and drop Rachel off
12:40pm We arrive home and try to eat lunch. Gabriel and Caleb have woken up and are hungry but fussy and don’t each much or go down for naps easily
1:00pm David begins to work on the car
1:30pm David offers to watch Caleb (who refused to fall asleep after trying to let him cry for 20 minutes) while the oil drains so I can have a 30 minute nap
1:30pm I lay down and try but can’t fall asleep because I am hearing my children and I have a lousy attitude about how the morning went.
2pm I take Caleb back and Dave works on the car. I try to play with Caleb and the big kids but there is a lot of whining from Gabe and Caleb especially
2:30pm I nurse Caleb and get him down for a nap/I put clothes in drawers, clean up around the house, get Gabe down for a nap and play one round of a card game with Hannah and Elijah. They continue to play while I try to nap on the couch for 15 min. It somewhat works
3:15 Dave leaves to take the oil wrench back after changing the oil/Caleb and Gabriel wake up
3:25 Tracey shows up so we can work on planning the schedule for our summer internship with the Harding interns
3:35 David returns and we got out to the guestroom, turn on the air conditioners and the breaker blows. We realize we do need to get more amps put in our house before the interns arrive so they can run the air conditioners
4:30pm Tracey leaves to get home to make dinner/I nurse Caleb and then make Hamburger Patties for dinner and defrost hamburger buns our house worker made previously/Dave gets the grill started
5:30pm We sit down to eat yummy hamburgers Dave has grilled and have a nice dinner. The children are all happy
6:15pm Children take showers/I give Caleb a bath
6:40pm I nurse Caleb and get him in bed
6:55pm I do “girls devo” with Hannah (we’re reading through a book together called Beautiful Girlhood and looking through a book also on babies)/Dave does devo with the boys
7:20pm Kids in bed/Shower
7:30pm Watch more episodes of the Office in our air conditioned bedroom
11:30pm Asleep
1:30am Caleb wakes up to nurse
3:30am Caleb wakes up to nurse (Dave and I have decided he will try and put our old air conditioner in their room tomorrow and then since I know he’s not too hot, Dave will give him some water and we’ll have to let him cry it out.)
Tuesday, April 17
6:30am out of bed/nurse Caleb/Dave goes out to office to work on getting his bike in working order to start riding again
7am Set out breakfast (cornflakes with milk)/ pack Hannah, Elijah, and Gabe’s lunches
7:30am Help everyone get dressed, do jobs etc.
8:00am Dave takes H, E, and G to school (Gabriel has preschool on Tuesday and Saturday mornings)
8:05-8:30 I sit on the porch swing with Caleb and spend time in prayer through song as I admire God’s creation/greet our day guardian and the workers coming to put the roof on our dependence (side building near our house)
8:30 Dave returns and we decide I’ll do literacy work tomorrow and Dave will have office time/put in air conditioner in Caleb’s room as I need to do more house stuff this morning
8:45 Nurse Caleb and put him down for a nap
8:45-I plan the week’s menu, make out shopping lists for myself and house worker, put clean clothes away, straighten up rooms
10:15 Caleb wakes up, nurses, our house worker arrives/play with Caleb
11:15 I leave with Caleb and go to the Millers’ house to talk to their house worker about getting things ready for their return and return some things I’ve borrowed
11:45 I arrive at school house early to pick up Gabe and Owen from preschool
12noon take Owen and Bryan back to the Rieses and Caleb and Gabe back to our house
12:30pm feed Caleb lunch/read Gabe a book, put both of the down for a nap
1pm Dave is feeling very tired and sick and decides to wait to go to Legue this next Sunday for church instead of today (An hour and a half drive both ways) We both take a rest
2:20pm Tracey drops Hannah and Elijah off from school/Caleb and Gabe wake up/electricity goes off
2:30pm Dave starts up generator and we decide to clean out and rearrange Gabe and Elijah’s room
5:30pm I get leftovers together for dinner and make smoothies to go with them/big kids get in the showers
6pm Dinner
6:30pm Power comes back on, we turn generator off. Dave offers to give Caleb a bath and I clean up after dinner tonight
7pm Devotional with kids/I nurse Caleb and put him down
7:30pm Children in bed
8pm Dave and I watch more of season 3 of The Office/ I make lunches for tomorrow and breakfast casserole for the morning
11pm Asleep
1:30am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
3am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
4:30 am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
Wednesday April 18 (Work Day/School Day for Hannah, Elijah, and Gabriel)
6:15 Nurse Caleb (Wow! I feel much more rested this morning! I still woke up when Caleb cried, but not getting out of bed each time made a difference!)
6:30 Leave and meet Rachel for walk
7:30 Arrive back home, shower, get dressed, help H and E get out of the house for school
8am Dave takes Hannah and Elijah to school, I help Gabe get dressed and we read a book with Caleb/our house worker arrives along with our guardian and the workers for the roof
8:30am Dave gets back, I nurse Caleb and put him down for a nap/put clean clothes away and straighten up rooms
9:00am I go out to the office to work on the Kabiye literacy book
10:30am I come back inside because I’m feeling dizzy and exhausted. I nurse Caleb again and Dave watches the boys while I rest
11:15am I wake up and take my vitamins, which I realize I haven’t taken for 4 days. I figure my iron might be low
11:30 I check email
11:50 I make PB&J sandwiches for lunch
12:30 Dave reads to and puts Gabe down for a nap/ I nurse Caleb and put him down
12:45 I take another rest
2pm Dave wakes me up and goes to pick up Hannah and Elijah and the Rieses. After dropping the Rieses off, they arrive back home at 2:30pm/I read chapter 3 of Mere Discipleship by Lee Camp
2:45pm Dave leaves to go to the village of Hade Te/Kacade for lesson/Hannah decides to go with him
3pm I get out the calligraphy set that Elijah’s been wanting to do and teach him how to write a basic alphabet/our house worker arrives
3:45pm the Power goes out/Gabe and Caleb wake up. Temps are at least 110. I fill up the blow up pool in the yard and get in with the boys. My mood improves within minutes! Thank you Lord for this blessing!
4:30 power comes back on and I come in to get dinner started. Our house worker puts Caleb on her back so I can get dinner going.
5:30pm Dave arrives home and has picked up Rachel on his way back/big kids take showers
6pm We eat dinner (bean and cheese quesadillas, Spanish rice, salad, and ice cream with chocolate syrup for dessert)
6:30pm I give Caleb a bath
7pm nurse Caleb and put him in bed/Dave does devo with bigger kids
7:30pm kids in bed
7:45pm My mom and Dad call to say hi
8:15pm The Rieses arrive for team devotional (at our house this week)
8:25pm My mom and I get cut off by the phone lines
8:30pm- Worship and discussion of chapter 3 of Mere Discipleship which we are reading together as a team
10:30pm Everyone leaves/ I do my Bible reading (which I’m not keeping up with very well)
11pm Asleep
1:30am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
4am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
)Thursday, April 19 (Team Prayer Day/School Day for Hannah and Elijah/”Semi-preschool” for Gabriel at our house
6am Dave is up and leaves to go play basketball with the guys
6:30am Nurse Caleb and get breakfast started
7am Breakfast (leftover egg and ham casserole from yesterday morning)
7:30am kids do jobs, get everyone dressed, Dave gets back, I take a quick shower
8am Electricity goes off/Dave leaves with Hannah and Elijah/I push Caleb and Gabe on the swings until Owen arrives/ our house worker arrives, guardian arrives, and the men to work on the roof
8;30am Bryan, Dave, and Owen arrive, Dave starts generator and then Bryan and Dave leave for prayer time
8:30-11:45 Do preschool stuff with Gabe and Owen (play dough, singing, dancing, dress up, painting, read books, snack, 30 minutes of Go Diego! DVD/nurse Caleb, Caleb naps) 9:45am Power comes back on
11:45am Tracey drops off Hannah and Elijah and Rachel and picks up Owen
12noon Rachel eats lunch with us (our house worker has made an African dish, peanut sauce with rice. Rachel thinks it’s yummy!)
12:30pm Dave arrives back from prayer time/ I nurse Caleb, put him down for nap, read to Gabe, put him down for nap
12:50pm I begin cutting Rachel’s hair for her
1:25pm I lay down to take a quick power nap before we leave for prayer time
2pm The power goes off/We leave to go pick up Tracey for prayer time. It is Rachel’s week to pick where we go and she’s decided to go to the waterfall in Bafilo, which she’s never seen.
3:15pm We arrive at the waterfall in Bafilo after a 30 minute drive and 30 minute hike/share prayer needs, pray together, stick our feet in the pool of water at the bottom of the waterfall, talk about spiritual matters all the way back home
4:30pm Dave says the power came back on
5:30pm arrive back home, nurse Caleb, help Dave get dinner on the table (he’s grilling pork ribs. Yummy!)/ big kids take showers
6:15pm dinner
6:40pm Give Caleb bath
7:15pm Nurse Caleb and put him to bed
7:30pm Do Girl’s Devo with Hannah/Dave does Boys’ Devo with boys/Air conditioner in Hannah and Caleb’s room breaks
8pm Kids in bed/I make lunches for tomorrow for kids/Dave and I listen to a sermon by John Piper on his I Pod and then discuss it afterwards
10:30pm Asleep
2am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water in a sippy cup
Friday April 20 (Work Day/School Day for Hannah and Elijah)
6:15am Nurse Caleb
6:30am Leave to meet Rachel for walk
7:30am Arrive back home, Dave has made pancakes for breakfast, help H and E get ready for school
8am Electricity goes off again/Dave starts generator/Dave takes Hand E to school/I sit out on porch swing with Caleb and Gabe and sing songs of praise to God (Gabe gets tired of it and goes inside to play with toys!)/our house worker arrives/guardian arrives/workers putting on roof arrive
8:30am Dave returns and I take a shower while he watches Gabe and Caleb
8:45am Nurse Caleb and put him down for a nap/Dave goes out to office
9am I leave with Gabe to run errands (Go to grocery stores and post office and to the Millers again to give their house worker a list)
10:30am We return home and Caleb has been awake since 9:30am when our generator broke and there is no electricity to the house/Dave calls the repairmen to come and fix it
10:45am Repairmen arrive
11am Temps are over 100 already and I fill up the pool and go and sit in it with Caleb and Gabe again. Whew! What a relief!
11:50am They fix the generator (thank you Lord!) and we have fans again. I go inside to fix lunch (tuna sandwiches with apple slices)
12noon Lunch
12:30pm Dave reads to Gabe and puts him down, I nurse Caleb and put him down
12:45pm I check and answer emails
1:25pm I lay down for a power nap
1:55pm I wake up with a start (I slept to long!) hurriedly get my things together and rush out the door to pick up Hannah, Elijah, Tracey, Graham and Isaac to take them home and Rachel, who is going to the village with me today (Dave usually goes to the village on Friday afternoons, but we’ve planned ahead for me to go today instead to do a women’s lesson)/ Jean Marie (a Christian leader) is here talking with Dave as well as a Mason who has been doing work at the Emersons
2:30pm I’ve dropped everyone off and Rachel and I head to the village of Tchikpe
3:30pm We finally arrive after I take a wrong turn and we get there through some back roads (I’ve never been to this village driving myself before. Jane used to do the women’s lessons here)
3:45pm There is only one woman who has come but one of the leaders and a few other men arrive. They tell me to go ahead. I read in Kabiye about the sinful woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her hair and the woman with the issue of blood that touched Jesus’ garment and how he told both of them that their faith had healed them and they were to go in peace. We talked about the importance of faith and I asked them if they would be interested in talking with others, women especially, about learning to read Kabiye beginning in September. They were very excited and said they would talk with people in their village and the other two close by. I am hoping to be able to teach 2 days a week beginning then, and will have the literacy primer completed.
4:45pm Rachel and I leave and go back the “right” way to town
5:30pm I arrive home and Dave has dinner almost done (I am so blessed to have such a servant husband!)/I nurse Caleb
6pm Electricity finally comes back on and we can turn generator off! We eat dinner (Oriental Chicken Salad)
6:45pm Caleb bath and nurse him and put him in bed
7pm We begin our devotionals with the children on Handling Money God’s Way to go along with their new job charts. They are very interested in the stories and verses (Yay!) Even Gabe is listening to some of it.
7:30 pm Children in bed
8pm Dave gives me a pedicure! (He had given me a coupon for a pedicure from him that he had agreed to redeem this evening.) We listen to another John Piper sermon on his I pod while he gives me a pedicure
10pm We watch one episode of 24
11pm Asleep
3:30am Caleb wakes up and Dave gives him water
Saturday April 21 (Work Day/School Day for Hannah, Elijah, and Gabriel)
6:30am Nurse Caleb/ Dave goes outside to work on finishing the repairs on his bike so he can begin riding again next week
7am I make breakfast
7:30am WE eat scrambled eggs, bacon, and juice/help the children all get ready for school/ I make all their lunches
8am Hannah, Elijah, and Gabriel leave for school/I sit on porch swing and spend some time in praise with Caleb (No guardian today, our house worker doesn’t come until 10:30am and the workers for the roof don’t come today) Wow!! It’s quiet and I’m singing quite loudly today!
8:30am Dave arrives back home/He takes a shower while I nurse Caleb and put him down for a nap and then I shower and get dressed
9am I put folded clothes away and straighten up rooms/ I decide to work on internship stuff for my office time today instead of the literacy book since there are some pressing things I need to address
10:45am Caleb wakes up and Dave watches him for me while I finish up
11am I nurse Caleb, play with him a bit and make brownie cookies for our girls’ night tonight
11:50am Dave leaves to pick up Gabe and Owen
12:20 Dave arrives home with Gabe, I’ve been making more baby food for Caleb and I make smoothies for Dave and I for lunch (Gabe eats at school at 11:30am)
12:30pm Dave puts Gabe down for a nap/ I nurse Caleb and put him down
1pm I lay down to take a quick nap
1:30pm I get on internet (our 24 hour connection has lasted one day longer than we had thought!) And email UofWisconsin OshKosh about their online nursing degree that I’m interested in pursuing over the next few years if our 24 hour access every becomes available again….
2pm Dave leaves to go out to the village of Tchefengda
2:45pm Bryan arrives on his way out to the village to drop off Hannah and Elijah with Isaac, Graham, and Owen who have all come over to play for the afternoon/Caleb wakes up
2:45-5:00pm I watch the children play, help them run through the sprinklers, play in the pool, swing on the swings etc.
5:00 Electricity comes back on (it’s been off since 4pm)/ I nurse Caleb and Isaac picks out a Dora the Explorer movie to watch before they have to leave/I get dinner ready (white chili and rice) , make ice cream for tonight and then get dressed for our girls’ night, as well as call the restaurant to order our dinner so it will be ready when we arrive at 6pm
5:30pm Dave arrives home/I get the Ries boys together and we load up
5:45pm I go to pick up Rachel at the schoolhouse, get gas at the gas station, and drop off the Ries boys and pick up Tracey
6:10pm We arrive at Le Jardin (the “nice” restaurant here in Kara) and they have our entire order right and bring it out to us. We have a very nice dinner and good conversation.
6:50pm We pay and leave to come back to our house so I can nurse Caleb and we are watching the 1st disc of the A and E version of Pride and Prejudice out in our guest room in the air conditioning.
7pm I nurse Caleb and put him in bed/Dave does devo with big kids, I kiss them goodnight and we head out to the guest room
7:30pm-10:00pm We watch Pride and Prejudice and eat dessert (Fun!)
10:00pm I take Rachel and Tracey home
10:30pm I arrive home and finish watching Invincible with Dave, which he’s been watching while we were out in the guest room
11pm We go to bed
For any of the 3 of you who have actually read through this entire post, I hope this is insightful into the daily happenings in my life here in Togo. Many of my daily events are similar to what they would be in the states and some are very different. I have not made my time in God’s word a priority in the evenings after the children are in bed and this log of my week has made that painfully obvious. I’m convicted to choose time in the word in the early evenings DAILY. I also have realized how much I really do in a day and although I often feel like I’m not accomplishing much, I realize that time enjoying and ministering to my husband, children, and then others is exactly what I should be doing right now. I’m also thankful for the sweet gifts of variety and time away that the Lord gave me this last week that are out of the ordinary, such as our ladies’ prayer time at the waterfall and the ladies’ night out on Saturday. I don’t feel the same melancholies that I usually feel after an average week here in Togo since we’ve returned from the states with Caleb. I am so very blessed and so very thankful, Lord, for the full life you’ve given me in You!!!
I LOVED this post -- like I LOVED Tracey's neighborhood post. I love knowing what you do in a day -- I think it's fascinating, and it makes me miss Togo life. Love you.
I read every word! It is amazing what you accomplish in a day. Just the nursing alone would wear any woman out! Thank you for being Christ to your family and to others in a part of the world that I will probably never see. I was so blessed by reading this blog today. I love knowing that you are reading my blog.
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