I've loved the baby stage of 6 months with each of my children and Caleb is no exception. They feel so good and they're sooooo sweet! If I could make time stop now for a few months I would do it! "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of lights." James 1:17 Thank you Lord for Caleb!!
I discovered your blog by reading the newsletter. I know that I am not the most faithful correspondent, but I do keep you and the family always in my prayers.
The children are beautiful and obviously you are growing more and more into the virtuous woman God desires. I am looking so forward to seeing you in just a little over three weeks--can you believe it?
It will seem strange to have Caleb and not Gabriel in your arms since Gabe was pretty close to this age when I saw him last. What a delight it is to see and hear how well you are doing.
God bless,
I know I tell you this all the time in person, but Caleb is so precious! He is growing so fast too! If we can find a secret formula to freeze him at this age...maybe the Ice Twins can help?!
:( I miss my little nephew!! He looks like he is doing great and growing soo big. I can't wait to get him and Anna together here in a couple of years. They will be fast friends, I'm sure. Love you!
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