Ok! I'm responding to "needs" from grandparents to see their sweet grandchildren and anyone else who is wanting to see recent pictures of our kids. Gabriel has been walking our fast growing German Shepherd around the yard on a leash, which is something he is very proud of. Hannah is holding Caleb after swimming in our blow up pool, and Elijah is climbing up the door frame to our bedroom! Check out the new video of Caleb from a couple of days ago at the bottom of the blog. Enjoy!
Say hi to the kids from Uncle Matt. I'm not going to let Joshua see that picture of Elijah so he doesn't get any ideas.
Ha! Elijah looks so proud of himself. How adorable. I can't believe how big Gabe looks walking the dog! Hannah holds Caleb so well...very sweet. I miss them all so much!
Thank you Becky. They look adorable as always. Just wish I was there and could give them a big hug and kiss. Grandma Reeves
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