Although it's been almost a full year since I've been teaching women's lessons in the villages, Wednesday in the village of Ajadaa felt as natural as if I'd been going out every week for the past few months. They were all happy to meet Caleb and were shocked and pleased that he nursed like their babies. I read about the woman who came and washed Jesus' feet in the home of Simon and the woman with the issue of blood who touched Jesus' garment and was healed. We talked about how Jesus responded to and healed these women because of their faith. Kabiye women always marvel when I teach on the way Jesus treated and responded to women, with such compassion and grace. This is not what they expect from a man, especially one who is "in charge" of others.
I understood language better than I remember in the past and felt so grateful that the Lord placed this dream in my heart so many years ago and has made it come to pass, giving me delight in being His ambassador. I love the older women in this church. The group was small on Wednesday but during our praise time the songs these women made up and taught as they went along blessed my heart in such a sweet way! Please pray for the Christians in this village as they continue to be led by God's spirit closer to his heart.
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